College Courses - Recovery

Recovery is about living not existing, enabling people to take up their lives again. We specialise in understanding wellbeing and seeing "psychosis" as a transitional period, not as a chronic health condition. We understand that life traumas and spirituality can all get wrapped up and entangled, we help people map the Maze so that recovery from "psychosis" is possible.


4 WEEK COURSE - Preparing for Recovery

Based on our longer Three Month Program, this shorter course strips back the underlying recovery concepts, enabling students to understand the theory behind the techniques, gain th...  more  

Understanding Self Injury: Values, Empowerment and Relationships

This course is for anyone who is interested in self injury and self harm. The course has been designed for people who self-injure, family/friends wanting to support people who sel...  more  

Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Beginning the Recovery Process

Statistics show that up to 1 in 6 males have experienced sexual abuse and are living with the consequences of sexual abuse. This reality is often not acknowledged by services and ...  more  

Responding Effectively to Signs of Mental Distress

This course will help you respond to the possible signs of mental distress effectively, humanistically, compassionately and in a recovery focused way. The course begins by looking ...  more  

Setting Up, Supporting & Developing a Hearing Voices Group

This course will provide you with all the information you need to consider setting up a Hearing Voices Group. Drawing on the experiences of others who have been in the same situati...  more  

An Introduction to the Hearing Voices Movement

Today in twenty six countries across the world, voice hearers, family members, nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists are developing ways to assist people who hear voices focus on...  more  

An Introduction to Accepting Voices

Hearing distressing voices is one of the most common experiences of people diagnosed with a psychotic disorder. Research has shown that many people continue to hear voices even aft...  more  

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