DVD Hearing Voices Network 25 years on Volume 2


From Psychiatry to Society, the inspiring story of the development of the hearing voices approach and network.

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This is the inspiring story of the birth and development of what has become known as the hearing voices approach. Working to Recovery presents: The Hearing Voices Network “25 Years On” – Volume 2: From Psychiatry to Society. A short history of the development of the international hearing voices network. The film shows how the pioneering work to find ways to assist people who hear overwhelming voices, to understand and live with their experience, has developed over the last 25 years. It is based on the personal perspective and memories of members and supporters of the International Hearing Voices Network, including voice hearers and mental health professionals. Beginning in the early days in Maastricht, Netherlands in 1987, it tells of the development of the hearing voices network across Europe and the formation of INTERVOICE the international coordinating body for the network. The film includes candid interviews with (in order of appearance): Ron Coleman, Paul Baker, Marius Romme, Dirk Corstens, Jacqui Dillon, John Eriksen, Arni Rohintz, Liz Ellis and Sandra Escher. The film is the first part of a series of videos about the people and the ideas that have created this new way of thinking about assisting people to live with their voices.

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